NEW REP: Your First & Second Campaign

Congratulations on Becoming an Avon Independent Sales Representative!
Be sure to review the Getting Started with Avon page for the basics of how to begin your Avon business.

Now that you have embarked upon starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur let's review some philosophies that you should apply to your new Avon business:

Plan your time and activities:

It is important to create a schedule for your business. What days you are going to work and what hours. It allows for you to concentrate your focus on Avon during those times. Even if it's only an hour, it's an hour of focusing on Avon. 

Create an action plan:

Creating an action plan every campaign is very important. It allows for you to set expectations for yourself. Without these goals, it is easy for a campaign to roll by without you doing much of anything with your Avon business. Creating an action plan is as simple as answering these few questions...

What are your sales goals for your first campaign?  
How much money do you want to earn? 
How many customers do I need to achieve my sales goals?
How many brochures do I need to pass out to meet my sales goals?

Your network:

As a new representative, networking and referrals will be vital to your business. Sometimes we overlook how many people we are in contact with everyday, every week, and every month. These are ideas that can you help you broaden your thoughts as to where your potential customers could be:

Where do I work?

There are ___ potential customers at my place of work.
Where do I socialize? Am I in any activities? Are my children in any activities?
There are ___ potential customers at these places.
Where do I go every week? Every two weeks? Every month?
There are ___ potential customers at these places.

Follow Up with Customers:

Is VERY important! Following up with customers puts your business in your hands and takes it out of the hands of your customers! If you want the orders, go get them! Just a simple reminder call to a customer can make the difference of not having an order to having an order. 

Building Relationships:

A key tool to being a successful Avon Representative is to build relationships. You will need to build relationships with your Avon coach (the person you appointed you as an Avon Representative), your District Manager, and other representatives, so that you can continue to learn and grow.

You will need to build relationships with your customers! They will order from a representative who is attentive to their needs and helps them find products that work for them! Helping my customers find the products that work for them allowed me to reach $20K in Avon sales this past year. So how will you connect with your customers? 

You will need to build relationships with anyone you recruit. They will need to know that you are supportive of them and their Avon business. Some people have never had anyone support them or believe in them and their dreams. That is where you come in. How will you provide that support they need?

Believe in yourself and your business:

You must believe that you can be successful in this business! It takes some longer than others to achieve the success, but with a little patience you can get their! Read books that focus on selling, review and watch your rich and famous dvd from Avon, view success stories on, do what ever you need to do to build your self up and keep motivated. 

Greatness is right around the corner! Hang in there and you will get there!

NEXT UP... Your Second Campaign:

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